hey, I'm Parth Bhalla

Worked across large-scale blockchains, DID and ZK attestations, async/distributed (TSS/MPC) compute, cross-chain infra and deFi and, predictive modeling. Based in NYC.


The internet landscape is plagued by inefficiencies, the need for decentralization is irrefutable. Currently building Tria LogomarkTria – our elite team is pioneering the multichain finance and interactions, melding the simplicity of Web2/CEXs using esoteric on-chain primitives primarily mentioned in the bio (coincidentally). We're backed by leading investors, and work with industry leaders.

past life

My world orbited around computers since childhood. Used to play — and build games and software since age 12. A serendipitous encounter with BitTorrent in 2013 introduced me to p2p file sharing, unbeknownst to me then, a prelude to my fascination with decentralization. I was mining ETH logomarkEthereum in 2015, then contributed (OSS) to early protocols like Litecoin LogomarkLitcoin , ETHC Logomarksgminer, and LTC Logomarkclaymore. Around then, I was competing in eSports professionally – and co-founded one of the earliestDestiny LogomarkLFG (looking for group) platforms – think, Tinder for esports players, a multi-parameter, segmented elo-based matchmaking engine. I scaled it to 150k users and sold the platform (later grew to 30m users) before Discord took over the LFG market.

In early 2018, I work with the Indian Government to build the largest national DID blockchain (Central Board of Education's Academic BlockChain Documents) (16m+ users). Later, I became the youngest Microsoft LogomarkMicrosoft ambassador in the World to work on emerging tech (primarily permissioned chains and ML). I joined the Delhi Government's Entrepreneur's Committee to work on a startup-oriented school curriculum (taught to 1m+ students) and the World's largest student entrepreneurship program (50k companies). Driven by the pandemic, I returned to India to create Hetu LogomarkHetu a predictive modeling algorithm-powered WhatsApp bot to assist hospitals and over 150k COVID patients.

I've had intense phases of degeneracy (aka algo and grid trading/scalping, early-stage investing) in all the crypto cycles leading to 2022, after which I started Tria LogomarkTria . I like to hang out with interesting people, build tech, travel in nature, collect/ride motorbikes and cars, fly sim planes, and explore parallel planes of existence.